sakatagintoki117 on DeviantArt

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Cadence (Christmas)



Cadence as Mrs. Clause

Pony colors from: [link]

Normal version: [link]

As always constructive feedback is much appreciated, I'm here to learn after all! :iconccwelcomedplz1::iconccwelcomedplz2:
Feel free to use if you like! just make sure to give credit. (also a link would be appreciated so I can see it in use, though this isn't necessary) :D :iconyouareplz::iconallowedplz:

SVG file: [link]

MLP: FIM owned by Hasbro
Image size
10774x10952px 3.62 MB
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Lightening-McQueen's avatar

Oh, wow! Cadance is so gorgeous! And Shining Armor would be Santa!