October Journal :3

5 min read

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Saiyuki989's avatar
How's it going DA?

The pace is picking up at school finally, and I'm actually looking forward to challenging myself. XD

I know this sounds wierd, but I really want to push myself this year and break my own expectations ^^

I've just finished my first Art project, and we had to do a sculpture of a shoe, and I did one of my converse. Did the base in MDF, the front out of wood, sanded it down, painted it, then for the canvas panels, I used denim from my old jeans. I was really proud with it XD

Then my Product Design project is to make a mirror, so I'm doing a VW Camper Van with hippie designs. Who knows why XD

I want to see how much I can do for everyone, and for myself this year, and although it'll tire me out, I'm gonna give it a go!

And on a different note, I just posted the album covers for the band I'm in. We're called Monkey Talent Agency, and we haven't really got anywhere yet, but just you wait ;)

I guess that's all for now, so see ya round! ^^



:thumb136815157: :thumb107165816: :iconsamplane123:

zizzi by HippieVan57 eye_ris by HippieVan57 :iconhippievan57:

:thumb138305879: :thumb138966640: :icongamesandgigs:

Bright ideas by OjisanPhoto The landscape of my home 23 by OjisanPhoto :iconojisanphoto:

:thumb89985492: :thumb40220734: :iconveggiegear:

© 2009 - 2025 Saiyuki989
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HippieVan57's avatar
some awesome features, thanks for including me. i'm truly honored :iconsomeconfettiplz: