sailorsilverstar's avatar


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Artist // Professional // Varied
Pride2020: Participated in Pride2020
DeviantArt Tutorials: Participated in Tutorials Campaign
DeviantArt Tutorials Hand: Participated in the DeviantArt Tutorials Hand
Create With Pride: Participated in Pride Month 2021
DeviantArt Tutorials Spider-Man: Participated in Tutorials Campaign
My Bio

Current Residence: FL
Favorite genre of music: I like just about everything
Favorite style of art: Anime/ Manga and others
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate
Favorite cartoon character: Sailor Moon
Personal Quote: The Star in my heart please continue to shine strong and bring me power to protect those I love
Tools: Digital: Wacom Bamboo Create, Photoshop Elements 5 MS Paint XP, Paint Tool SAI
Traditional: Pencil, Paper, Pen, Colored Pencils, Acrylic Paint, Watercolor

Favourite Visual Artist
My friends ^_^
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, ink, color pencils, Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0, MS Paint, Paint Tool Sai, Bamboo Wacom Create Tablet
Other Interests
Movies, Anime, Music, Drawing
This has been one of my most popular picture and I enjoy that anyone can enjoy this picture!! :createwithpride: :createwithpride:
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Right.... so first off I need to note that I have a open wound from the c-section. I personally dont understand why I have this, everything closed up beautifully after the c-section with Jacob. I am under doctors orders to do wet to dry dressings on it 2x a day; @Sonicguru has been AMAZING at changing the dressings. Currently the wound is looking great according to the docs. On to Alexander... Alexander had been having terrible, horrendous projectile vomiting. Amazingly he only seemed to cry about it when it would come out his nose or get on his face. Normally afterwards hed be quite calm. The first time we took him to the doctor about it he was about a month old. We changed his formula; the doctor thinking he had just really bad acid reflux so we got the appropriate new formula. To me it seemed the projectile vomiting had demised some but it wasnt gone. About a week and a half later we end up taking him back to the doctor. The day before he had been spitting up copious amounts and
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Right well....guess I got some explaining to do ^_^; Well first off @Sonicguru and I have had another baby. Another boy, named Alexander ^_^ He was born via c-section, like his brother was, on June 24. I think a part of me meant to mention I had become pregnant again (we found out back in October 2019, word to the wise; CHECK THE EXPIRATION DATES OF YOUR CONDOMS BEFORE USING THEM!!! ^_^; that gave us this little man a few months earlier than we had planned to try for a second child.) I had to go thru all the same stuff I did with Jacob. Get the cerclage (cervix sewn shut) get my progesterone shots once a week. Oddly when I had the cerclage put it I felt very anxious. It was pure anxiety of me just wanting it to be over, to get out of there for some reason. The pregnancy went fine, most of the time its like we didnt even think about it, till the end of the pregnancy. The c-section was scheduled for June 30 (Honestly I wouldve LOVED for him to be born on July 4th (the whole
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Thank you for the llama badge!

Thanks for the Llama!


On behalf of the birthdays team, I sincerely apologize that your greeting has arrived late this year.

We hope you had an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team.

This greeting was brought to you by @koudelkaW

Thank you for the llama. :)