Perfect MoviesSailorPrincess95 on DeviantArt

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Perfect Movies



I have done movie collages and said my favorites before, but not like this. For those not in the know, I rate things on a scale of 0-100, counting by fives. As of this writing, there are only 25 films I have given a perfect 100% to in my life. That may seem like a lot, but out of hundreds seen, not really. So here they all are in one convenient collage.

The Top 5 are pretty set in stone, but the rest are more or less interchangeable.

Cinderella 1950

The Muppet Movie

The Prince of Egypt

The King and I

Sailor Moon R: Promise of the Rose (i.e. the first feature film they ever made)

Beauty and the Beast 1991

The Nightmare Before Christmas


The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Shape of Water

Alice in Wonderland 1951

The Wizard of Oz


Pinocchio 1940

Cats Don't Dance

It's a Wonderful Life

Pan's Labyrinth

Mary Poppins

Les Miserables 2012

Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper

Singin' In the Rain

Los Olvidados (The Young and the Damned; something I saw in high school film class)

Hilda and the Mountain King

An American Tail

The Princess Bride

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NorthstarPokeshipper's avatar

What is the meaning of your rating system? (As in, what does each 5 mean?)