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Though his wand moved, synched with his hand
She grasped his wrist, kissed him again
Though memory wiped she soon would be
She pressed his lips to set him free
The methods which he chose to show
Were fuel for her warmth and glow
She whispered to him this refrain
To stay yourself is still, remain
The mem'ries which you choose to see
Are those which would keep you from me
And though you've shown no wish, I know
I'd choose to let these feelings grow
Don't stop.  Your memory's the same
And it's experience you'd gain
And though in morning, I'll forget
I'd wish the chance to know you, yet
Your dreams, your wants, even your flaws
Are naught to me but tempting powers
You wish to keep yourself alone
As though in stillness you'll atone
Does virtue outweigh the regret
To cloak yourself in this secret?
She sighed, resigned to this lament
Your passions languish, and ferment
It's not my wish to change your past
But please know that my feelings last
Until you change them, but still, then
I hope you'll see me as your friend
A confidant that you may use
… a blank slate, your rock, a muse
I wish to serve you
Show every curve you wish to see
Though it may be
But for an hour, a moment yet
Within your power, 'fore I forget
It's this last chance I have to offer
Think of me before you doff your honed façade
Though it seems odd to drop your guard
Please, I hope that we can make amends
No matter how this meeting ends
A fan poem for the fan fiction Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality.

To go before the last paragraph of chapter 76.  (The speaker here seems to have a bit more knowledge than the character in the story, but I'll just attribute that to other conversations which have since been forgotten.)

To learn more of what could have happened if Harry Potter had been raised as a scientist, go here:
© 2014 - 2025 saiida
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fader2011's avatar

If one is so inclined, one might imagine that Severus eventually contacted Rianne in the course of his journey of atonement and self-discovery after leaving Hogwarts and offered to unlock her hidden memories as an apology for using her attraction to him to further his plot. What might happen after that, with an adult Rianne who is no longer a student under his authority (which, despite his façade, Severus is ethical enough not to abuse for sexual gratification, even if he wasn't still hung up on Lily Potter)? I've thought of writing up a meta-fanfic about their reunion; perhaps I'll actually do it one of these days. Post-HPMOR Severus, or whatever name he's adopted at that point, might be willing to fulfill some of Rianne's BDSM-tinged fantasies about him.