Multicolor Previewpane for Win 8/8.1sagorpirbd on DeviantArt

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Multicolor Previewpane for Win 8/8.1



:new: :new: :new: :new: :new: :new: :new:

Multicolor Top & Bottom Preview Pane for Windows 8 Build 9200, Windows 8.1 Build 9600 and Windows 8.1 Update 1 (X86) 32 bit & (X64) 64 bit Systems only! :D

P.S. Support well Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 8.1 Update 1 (X86) 32 bit & (X64) 64 bit Systems. if you found any problem then write a comment here or note me ??? ;)


Including This Pack :

(For Old New Explorer)
--> OldNewExplorer32.dll for 32 bit
--> OldNewExplorer64.dll for 64 bit

(For System32)
--> shell32.dll (32 bit & 64 bit)
--> gameux.dll (32 bit & 64 bit)
--> DeviceCenter.dll (32 bit & 64 bit)
--> Read Me.


:new: :new: :new:
"Longhorn Revealed 10" Multicolor themes for Windows 10 :-->> [Link]

"Longhorn Revealed 8" Multicolor themes for Windows 8/8.1 :-->> [Link]

"Longhorn Revealed" Multicolor themes for Windows 7 :-->> [Link]


Thanks to my friend "artur89sd" for the UIFILES --> [Link]


By downloading this OldNewExplorer32.dll, OldNewExplorer64.dll, shell32.dll, gameux.dll & DeviceCenter.dll you agree to the following conditions:

- This OldNewExplorer32.dll, OldNewExplorer64.dll, shell32.dll, gameux.dll & DeviceCenter.dll is free for personal use only.
- It must not be used commercially.
- You can distribute it for free as long as the files are unmodified and this text file is included with the zip file.
- You may not sell them or use them for profit.
- Do not take credit for creating this OldNewExplorer32.dll, OldNewExplorer64.dll, shell32.dll, gameux.dll & DeviceCenter.dll.
- I am not liable for any sort of damage to your computer from using this OldNewExplorer32.dll, OldNewExplorer64.dll, shell32.dll, gameux.dll & DeviceCenter.dll. use it in your own Risk.

Enjoy! ;)

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MHZA459's avatar

I Can't Get It To Work... ;(