Current Residence: DeviantART,
DeviantWEAR sizing preference: Large,
Favourite genre of music: Bangla Adunik l HardRock ,
Favourite photographer: Me,
Favourite style of art: Visual Styles l Nature & 3D,
Operating System: Windows 7 l Windows 8.1 l Windows 10 l Linux,
MP3 player of choice: iPod,
Shell of choice: Longhorn Revealed,
Wallpaper of choice: Natural Scene,
Skin of choice: Girls (Still Searching),
Favourite cartoon character: Tom & Jerry l Spiderman,
Personal Quote: Honesty Is The best Policy.
A quick question:
Where are the download links for the styles/themes?
sagor (সাগর) is bengali for ocean
Hello, we are an international photography competition Best Photography Awards. Our team took notice of your photography and we would like to say that your works are really talented.
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pls make windows xp for windows 11
can you please please make windows 7 aero glass theme for windows 11?
can you make windows 7 theme for windows 10 20h2?
can you do a windows 9x Theme