TX-001-OldPaper-02Sagawa on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/sagawa/art/TX-001-OldPaper-02-3947664Sagawa

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Sagawa's avatar




More oldened paper.

Hope again to be useful to anybody.

UPDATE: Uploaded the full-size version for those who need it bigger.

NOTE: I will not reply normally here, but quite surely will comment in the deviation you used it. Anyway, be patient, I have not much time recently, so it can take a pair of weeks.

TX-001-OldPaper-01 :pointl: I like this one better.
TX-001-OldPaper-02 (This one)

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(This is stock, BUT the most of my gallery is NOT).
You can get this stock freely, but please be nice and credit me (refering to my [link] site) and leave a link so I can take a look at what you've done with it. I am curious. :)
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Oldened paper.
Explanation about how I did it (taken from a talk with ~diminuta ):

Well, I just grabbed a normal new A4 80g/m^2 sheet, one of those for xerox purpose and I followed an oldening process:
1) Rub the paper with sand-paper, just to erode it, specially the corners.
2) Impregnate it well with hot tea.(Like Amelie). With a thick brush I added more in some points. I let it dry and, from time to time, I added some more tea here and there.
3) I folded up some corners and somewhere else.
4) Dry it in the microwave (yes, the microwave). It makes the paper a little stiff. (And, obviously, dries fast)
5) Scan.
6) Submit.

I made it to some sheets to send a little curious letter. :p
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Papel envejecido.
Explicación en español (sacada de una conversación con ~diminuta ):

Pues cogí un folio A4 nuevecito de 80g/m^2 de los de fotocopia de toda la vida y lo sometí a un proceso de envejecimiento:
1) Rascado suave con lija, para erosionarlo y gastarlo, sobre todo algunas esquinas.
2) Con té caliente, lo impregné bien, bien. (Como Amelie). Con un pincel grueso le di más en algunas zonas. Fui dejando secar y de vez en cuando, le añadí a más en algunas zonas.
3) Doblado de algunas partes.
4) Secado en microondas (sí,sí, en microondas o en horno). Eso hace que se reseque algo el papel y adquiera cierta cualidad "acartonada", algo rígida. (Y, obviamente, seca rá;pido)
5) Escanear.
6) Subir.

Lo hice con varios folios para mandar una carta un poco curiosa. :p
Image size
2550x3510px 1.53 MB
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