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Pirate Sora, revisited



Maybe....if I spam the internet with enough fan art...Square-Enix will be convinced: SORA NEEDS TO BE A PIRATE.

This might be shrunk too much to see the keychain on the sword, but I bet you can figure it out. Davy Jones is a perfect candidate for a KH villain if I've ever seen one!

I'm not even sure at this point if Sora will even be *in* KH3, but he wasn't in the secret trailer from the first game either, so who knows.

'Kay, I, um, worked on this all week instead of my comic*runs and hides*
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740x800px 211.8 KB
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QAtheAuthoress's avatar
:D He'll be in pirate clothes for KH3 for sure. I saw the trailer. They aren't as pretty looking as this outfit but he still looks dashing. XD