[MMD] Bye...SadisticSympathetic on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sadisticsympathetic/art/MMD-Bye-292619842SadisticSympathetic

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[MMD] Bye...



This is a picture I made for my friend Valforwing who's leaving for maybe forever. He has a lot of cool stuff ripped from all kinds of games if you want to check out his gallery. It's full of downloads for Skyrim dragons, Pokemon, Ponies, Digimon and more :)

If you see this, Valforwing...

I just want you to know that you're awesome :D
You spent so much of your time ripping/texturing/ sometimes rigging all these amazing models for the MMD community. I love all of your work and am sad to see you go. I'm sad that things aren't going well with your family, and that you may never come back. Just know that we (The dA community) will always appreciate all you have done for us. I hope things get better for you! Hope to see you back!

How I learned about his leaving:

All of the characters seen here besides Ivysune made by: :iconvalforwing:

Ivysune by: (Me) :iconyasmineivy1:

Skydome by: :iconpac-mau:
Image size
999x791px 833.27 KB
© 2012 - 2025 SadisticSympathetic
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