Red X Mask TutorialSadieAlucard on DeviantArt

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Red X Mask Tutorial



Hello!! This is my tutorial for my Red X mask.
My mask /does/ have a nose, but I decided that it didn't really matter. It would've been much harder to make one without a nose, and it might not have been as comfortable. I like the end result, so the nose doesn't really bother me. :meow:

- 1 generic mask from craft store
- Scissors, Pencil, X-Acto Knife
- White Spray Paint
- Red & Black Modelling Paint
- Paint brushes
- Window screen
- Hot glue gun

Overall, this mask didn't cost me any more than about $5 considering I had most of the supplies at home.
Hope you enjoy my tutorial!

P.S. Link to completed Red X cosplay: Full Cosplay
Image size
720x2974px 1.19 MB
© 2013 - 2025 SadieAlucard
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Kotonii-chan's avatar
Holy crap that's a fabulous alternative to creating your own mask. Cheap, easy, and totally sleek-looking! Thank you so much for sharing! <3