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Name: Ziva
Meaning: Brilliance, bright
Pride: Former Pridelands, now Rain Lands

Family: Zuri and Babu

History: Ziva was 1st born between Zuri and Babu as the family lived a happy life. While her mother cheated on Babu with the leopard named Makosa Ziva was ashamed by what had happened by her mother. She knew that this lioness had caused shame to the family and people started talking. Zuri fell pregnant with three other cubs Dumi, Boga II and Kosa as she fled into the rainlands. She had a feeling she could never return to the Pridelands even though it wasn't her fault. Ziva eventually recovered from the pain and trauma as she found a lioness named Laini and the two fell in love. Ziva and Laini found some male lions that they were able to have cubs with. So now Ziva had two sons of her own that she takes care of and hopes to be strong one day.
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