Stock Rules

2 min read

Deviation Actions

sacral-stock's avatar

My stock is unrestricted

What does that mean?

shelldevil describes it:

Unrestricted stock can be used for both personal and commercial projects, but it cannot be redistributed as stock. You are not required to obtain permission prior to using the stock off site or in DA prints. The only requirements are that the stock provider be notified and credited.

1. You have to give credit.
2. You have to let the provider know.
3. You can not redistribute as a resource

Please don't send notes asking for permission for commercial use or offdA use. It's allowed!

Helpful Links:

:pointr: FAQ #217: What are "Stock and Resources" and can I use them in my submissions?

:pointr: FAQ #157: Can I use things created by other people in my submissions?

:pointr: FAQ #257: What sort of permission do I need to use someone else's work?

:pointr: FAQ #193: How do I prove that I had permission to use someone's work?

:pointr: FAQ #81: How can I create links to other deviants, deviations, or websites?
© 2008 - 2024 sacral-stock
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Emad-Sawas's avatar
Hi :).. how about emo style and dark style ... ?? :?
maybe u can check on this to have an idea ... coz I'm not talking about making cuts and wounds in your body ....:D
