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Daily Deviation

August 29, 2007
TonariNoTotoro-Bus Stop by ~sachsen

Macabre, chilling, blackly funny - especially once you see what Satsuki is holding. This controversial image is already becoming widely known and is causing horror and hilarity, laughter and anger accross dA. The artist has taken a huge risk in twisting a universally loved children's film in this fashion, and it's paid off in one of the most original pieces of Fan Art we've seen on dA all year.
Featured by animator
Suggested by starlight15
sachsen's avatar

TonariNoTotoro-Bus Stop



Pic based on [link]

EDIT:Changed the girl's hair
Image size
942x1278px 291 KB
Β© 2007 - 2024 sachsen
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DeltafoxtheRenamon's avatar

I have found you at last!