Hello DA! It's been forever... =__=
This is the longest time that I haven't visited or updated my account. Many things happen and if I write them here, I am afraid it would take forever. They say "A picture tells a thousand words", so to sum up what I've been through
these faces will tell:
:iconblankfaceplz::iconimrlynotimpressedplz::iconidespiseyouplz::iconihateitplz::iconmadlynotimpressedplz::iconcrazyticplz::iconblowitallupplz::iconultraangryplz::iconhardcoreplz::iconfearmeplz::icondoomedplz::iconbloodyeyesplz::iconsobcryplz::iconoverlyjoyedplz:I went through problems (university problems) and some life-threathening events, aaand beau...
My first journal entry for 2012...My last entry was 3 months ago
What have I been doing for the past months!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I was not slacking...I'd like to but I can't... ^^;
(I don't want to extend 1 year in college)
I've been doing some applications for our project, programs, research...and some school related stuff... My devotion for school works seemed to overcome my daily work in DA. I haven't submitted any works here nor even updated my commissioners about their requests. This time, I'm going to finish some commissions left untouched during the past months. And I won't be uploading new works here until I'm done...commissioners:
FINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY!!! I've been so absorbed with my school works~ You guys might notice that I haven't been active, right? The reason is, I'm currently doing my thesis, and I find it really hard. Choosing what topic to research is the hardest part.. Me and my partners finally decided on our topic, itz "City's Web-Based Virtual Tour"...gawd, I still need to study programming...Hopefully our panel of critiques will agree on our proposal.ANYWAAAAAAAAY...Itz chrizmaz break! I've been waiting for this!!! I feel like a jail-break-prisoner...:D I've got so many planz for this break, I'll try to finish my commissions and try to submit so...