The Orange CrushSacaradiTuenifore on DeviantArt

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The Orange Crush



This is a redux of the Denver Broncos' logo. I really liked the old logo: [link] . I always thought the idea of it was very intense and frightening, because the only thing scarier than a bucking bronco snorting smoke, is probably a bull because it has horns.

I really like the newer style the Broncos have as their current logo: [link] . Very sleek and sexy, however I wanted to see the old logo make a comeback because the "Orange Crush" as the old defense was called, was amazing and I think a Logo revamp is just what they need.

Broncos Logo Copyright to the Denver Broncos/National Football League.

This took about 4 hours total in Adobe Illustrator CS3.
Image size
1200x1200px 99.01 KB
© 2011 - 2025 SacaradiTuenifore
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BIGGDzArt's avatar
Nice, a lil to abstract for me but then again if i was to try and tweak the image i would come up with something just as edgy.

it too bad that the Soda company wont let us call our "D" Orange Crush any more. but when ever Decker scores a TD Walmart/Sam'z will give away a free 2 liter the day after.... prolly stale as shit too.. LOL but I found that if you freeze a stale soda pop you can revitalize it, and microwave your doritos or crackers to give them life again also... useless information if you aint a couch potato on Sunday's...