A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 6 by Saboomba, literature
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 6
New and Improved
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza was closing. With the animatronics in disrepair and the restaurant losing business, there wasn’t much else they could do. The ghost kids wondered what that would mean for them. What would happen to them if the building they were supposed to haunt no longer existed? Would they go elsewhere? Would they continue to haunt where the restaurant used to be and whatever might be built in its place?
In not too long, a crew arrived to take things out of the building. Roger drifted among the items, seeing what was being kept and what was being thrown out or sold. The animatronics were all packaged into crates, so it appeared they were among the items being kept. That gave her some sense of relief, at least. She would’ve been sad to see them scrapped.
Various items were soon loaded onto a waiting truck, including the crates with the animatronics. Roger followed after them, just intending to watch but surprised when she discovered she could leave the
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 5 by Saboomba, literature
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 5
No Rest for the Weary
As time went on, Lyle grew more comfortable acting as the Fredbear plush in Joey’s imagination games. Eventually, Joey was so accustomed to Fredbear’s behavior that Lyle discovered he could still talk to Joey even when he wasn’t playing. Since the boy was only three, he saw nothing unusual about this and basically treated Fredbear like an imaginary friend.
However, acting as an imaginary friend still meant Lyle was limited. For instance, there wasn’t a whole lot he could do about Rueben aside from comfort Joey when his older brother picked on him and maybe try to warn him ahead of time whenever he sensed Rueben lying in wait to scare him.
It had gotten worse lately, probably because the boys’ father was almost never watching them. Rueben had figured out pretty quickly that Joey was afraid of the animatronics, so he tended to use that to his advantage. He’d won a Foxy mask from the prize counter and loved to use it to scare Joey.
When Rueben stole one of
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 4 by Saboomba, literature
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 4
An Effective Hiding Place
Roger awakened slowly, her mind in a fog. She felt like she’d been dreaming, but the horrors were still fresh in her head. Absently, she raised a hand to her chest, feeling for the stab wound. She felt no pain, though. Actually, she didn’t really feel anything.
Except anger.
She sat up, finding herself still in that back room where the man had captured them. She was no longer bound, and her friends were lying nearby, their forms still and pale. They both stirred after a bit, but no one said anything. They knew what had happened. They knew what they were now.
Dead. Ghosts. Now haunting the walls of this pizzeria and thirsting for revenge. Even without speaking, she knew Eric and Cindy shared her conviction. That man had to pay for what he’d done.
Roger stood and walked out of the room, phasing through the closed door like it wasn’t even there. She felt her friends following, and she let them. She went back out through the show area and to the front lobby.
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 3 by Saboomba, literature
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 3
For Someone in Need
Being dead was not fun. Lyle couldn’t interact with anyone since no one could see, hear, or touch him. He also wasn’t free to roam, discovering that he couldn’t leave the building even when the doors were open. So he was forced to watch as other kids played games and sang along with the animatronics, having fun while he couldn’t participate.
Of all the places he had to be trapped . . .
Fredbear had been cleaned out and put back on stage. The police had investigated Lyle and Chris’s disappearance, but they hadn’t been able to determine who was responsible. Lyle’s mother and Chris’s parents came in on a few occasions, hoping to learn something, and he wished his mom could see him so he could tell her what happened to him.
He also saw the bad man a few more times after that, carrying on as if nothing was wrong. He was an employee here, one of the regular performers. And yet, no one seemed to suspect he was the killer. How Lyle wished he could tell even one person.
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 2 by Saboomba, literature
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 2
Into the Unknown
Three kids clustered around a table, talking in excited whispers.
“Did you hear about the kids who went missing at another Freddy’s?” a brown-haired girl asked.
The blonde girl gasped, and the boy shook his head.
“I heard it was someone in a costume,” the brunette continued. “He lured them away from their parents, and they were never seen again. People think he killed them, but no one ever found the bodies.”
“That’s horrible!” said the blonde. “Why would anyone do that?”
“To see if he could get away with it?” the boy suggested.
The brunette shrugged. “No one knows. It’s a mystery. I heard the police could never solve the case. I mean, I think they arrested someone, but they couldn’t prove he did it or something.”
“So he’s still out there?” asked the blonde, concerned.
“It was, like, a year ago, I think. Plus, it was a different location. It’s not like he’s gonna show up here and do the same thing, right?”
“You never know,” said the boy. “If he’s smart, he’ll
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 1 by Saboomba, literature
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance 1
The Beginning of Forever
Lyle pounded on the door, yelling, “Can anyone hear me? Help! I’m trapped! Somebody, please!” He’d been at it for several minutes already, but no one had come. No one was here after hours, and the darkening sky outside told him it was unlikely anyone would come at all until the next morning.
Only a few hours earlier, he might’ve considered this an adventure. This was, after all, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, and any kid like Lyle would find it to be a wondrous experience. The pizzeria had it all: food, games, prizes, parties, and stage performances from its own mascot characters.
But that was a few hours ago.
Now, the place was dark, empty, and spooky. He was alone, painfully so. He’d been here with his best friend Chris, but Chris was gone. He tried not to think about it, shoving the frightening thoughts from his mind best he could. He wanted his mom. She’d be looking for him now. Would she know he was here?
Calm down, he told himself. Panicking won’t help.
Infinite - The Lost Chapters by Saboomba, literature
Infinite - The Lost Chapters
The story "Infinite" received several revisions between the time I first wrote it and when I finally uploaded it. During that time, a few chapters were changed, either rearranged or cut entirely. The chapters featured here are two that I trimmed and moved to the end as a flashback rather than keeping them in their chronological position. The purpose was to delay the reveal until a more opportune time. In addition, some parts of these chapters are no longer accurate to the lore.
Spoilers ahead if you haven't read the full story.
Original Chapter 19: To Say Goodbye
Spring suddenly burst into the room, calling, “Tamra!”
Worried by his unexpected outburst, Tamra shot to her feet and asked, “What’s wrong?”
We need to go to the hospital. Now.”
His uncharacteristic urgency disturbed her. “Are you all right?”
“Elaine is dying. I need to be there.”
“Wha—How do you know?” This was getting more unsettling by the second.
“Do you want me to drive myself? Get going!”
Starting to
Guys. It's time. Beginning in January, I'm officially back in business. The break took longer than I anticipated, I'll admit, but I've got so many good things coming that I just can't wait to show you all.
So, here's the rough schedule going forward:
A Tale of Wrath and Vengeance revision: 96.77% complete. Releasing in January.
To Run from Fate revision: Beginning following completion of part 1.
WIP story: ~40-67% complete. Officially titled Pillars of Sand.
Tales from the Pizzaplex story: Depending on when this completes, release order may vary. No title as of yet.
Animatronic Factory game: Requires viewer participation, so will only begin if viewer interest is high enough.
Beyond arc 1: ~12-19% complete. Will shift focus to this after completion of Pillars of Sand.
Side quests: Additional stories that take place within the Beyond timeline. Working on these in between other projects.
Beyond arc 2: Plotted, slated to begin writing after arc 1.
There you have it. Have a very
Happy fall! Let's see what's been cooking lately.
Ask series: Still open, and you can still ask questions, but the focus has shifted away from this for now.
Forever at Freddy's part 1 revision: 83.33%. ETA: Likely January 2025. Will hopefully have a more definitive answer at or before the Winter Progress Report.
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WIP story: ~29-48%. Arc 1 is complete, and the story now has a title. To be revealed.
Other projects: Did some work on the Tales from the Pizzaplex story and the game. To see a full roadmap with all current projects, consider visiting the Discord!
We're getting closer. I apologize that it's taking me so long to get any projects completed, but with the amount of things on my plate and trying not to stress myself out, you'll just have to keep being patient.Good things coming next year!