The Uktena HomelandsSabertooth1980 on DeviantArt

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The Uktena Homelands



Talking Crazy in the Uktena Homelands, were secrets are many and you always leave with more than you came in with.

The Uktena Homelands: The Law of Counting Secrets

In the eleventh week of my journey I came to the Umbral homelands of the Uktena tribe.
As I flew along the shore of a great lake, I came across one of my tribesmen, busying himself at the water’s edge.

I flew down to greet him, but he greeted me first. “Yá'át'ééh, brother. You must be the trickster Talking Crazy, if I know the tales.”

“And you must be the talesinger Rain Chant, to recognize me by those lies!”

Rain Chant nodded. “That's me. Do not let me keep you from your journey.”

“You won’t,” I said. “I see you have painted yourself thick with grease. Is there some danger beneath the lake you mean to face?”

Rain Chant's eyes flashed. “I can't say. My business is secret.”

“A dangerous business, by the length of your fishing-spear! Tell me your mission, so if you die the tale will not be lost.”

"It’s a secret, I said. If I told you, you’d have to join me. And with due respect, Talking Crazy-yuf – this is a mission for a warrior, not a fool."

I laughed. “But you are a storyteller first and a warrior second. Your enemy beneath the waves must be a creature of legend.”

“No legend you’d know—”

“Ah, but I do know. I see a nightshade talen tied to your spear. There is only one tale of a legendary foe, beneath the waters of a cold lake, whose hide only weapons of shadows can pierce.”

Rain Chant scowled. “How could you have learned that story?”

“I will tell you after we have defeated your foe.” I plucked a nightshade talen from my pouch and tied it to my klaive. “Lead the way, alpha!”

In the days to come, Rain Chant and I would trade many stories, and between our adventures and his tales of the Uktena homeland, I figured out a law of the realm.
And he figured out that I really hand no idea what story he knew, but bluffed him into thinking I did.

We went beneath the lake, and what we faced there, and how we defeated it – well, that is a secret.

For this is the law of the Uktena tribal homelands: you always leave with more secrets than you brought in.

For a complete translation of these glyphs; be directed to this site:
Talking Crazy, this story and creative elements there within are copyrighted to Adam his player. Glyphs and elements of Werewolf the Apocalypse are copyrighted to White Wolf.
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© 2008 - 2025 Sabertooth1980
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FarFallaLoduca's avatar
I love this.