Talking Crazy, Sept of StarsSabertooth1980 on DeviantArt

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Talking Crazy, Sept of Stars



This is the story of Talking Crazy's Elder challenge done up in traditional Glyphs.

Dead Ends and Discoveries: The Aetherial Realm

I began my quest at the Sept of the Stars,
learning from my old friend Akim,
Seeker of Inner Enlightenment and Wisdom,
Theurge of the Stargazers.

Akim and I sparred with words and wisdom,
testing our knowledge of the Umbra against one another.
My friend confounded me again and again,
forcing me to draw out the hidden lessons behind his tales.
Again and again I tried to perplex him with my knowledge,
but he evaded my most cunning snares.

In this way we sparred for forty days and forty nights.
On the last day I caught him in a trap on the nature of judgment in Erebus.
Satisfied that his student had matched the master,
Akim wished me well.
I left that night.

But weeks later I was no closer to my goal!
The Legendary Realm, Battleground, Atrocity, Pangaea –
I had visited them all and learned no new laws.

New laws! How was I to learn new laws?
Generations upon generations of our ancestors had visited these realms.
The tales of their adventures had been studied and tested by generations of theurges.
During my visits I took part in terrible and amazing things,
but my adventures would not stray from the patterns in the tales.
These Realms were explored! Their stories were told!

I returned to the Aetherial Realm to think.
But the cold and bracing starlight did nothing now to cease my troubles.
Had Dusty Morningkill given me an impossible task?
Did he think me unworthy, and so set me up to fail?
I almost decided to head back to the Sept of the Stars –

But a falling star struck me.

I was burning; I was freezing; I was spinning off into the void.
I halted my momentum with an act of will and whirled to face the star.

He was a lean, pale man with long white hair, dressed in silver and lace.

“Stand aside!” the star demanded. “I am late to Court.”

“My apologies,” I replied. “I am headed there myself.” It seemed like the thing to say.

The star regarded me with narrow eyes. “Is that so? What business do you have there?”

A Court, I guessed, would have royalty in the manner of Silver Fangs.
“The Queen is expecting me,” I lied, guessing that stars would have queens. “But I travel too slowly, not being quicksilver like you!
If only someone could help me reach the Court, I am certain the Queen would be grateful to him…”

The star’s eyes shone even brighter at the thought of the Queen’s esteem.
My guess was good. “Allow me,” he said, placing his hands on my shoulders. “The Queen favors the punctual.”

Drawing me along in his wake, the star resumed his plunge.
The Court of Falling Stars, I realized, counted as an Umbral Realm.
The theurges would call it a sub-realm, a daughter world of the Aetherial heavens.
Its laws would be like those of the Aetherial, but not the same:
being mentioned in few tales, the Court’s laws were mostly unknown.

I had solved the first great puzzle of this challenge!
I would seek out the laws of the realms unsung,
the child realms of the infamous fourteen near realms.

And so that was how my quest began.

Talking Crazy, this story and creative elements there within are copyrighted to Adam his player. Glyphs and elements of Werewolf the Apocalypse are copyrighted to White Wolf.
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332x782px 57.5 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Sabertooth1980
anonymous's avatar
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LadyInkblack's avatar
These are all beautiful, by the way. Both the story, and the way the glyphs are put together - just plain beautiful. A wonderful job.