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SA1B0T's avatar

Drake Ref



Drake my sonnn he got an update! He was consumed by a shadow essence and now has better color options haha

SO some info:
-He has two forms, the black being the original. To convert to fire he simply gets all heated up, giving him a different appearance!
-He can either breathe fire or shadows. Which I guess could look like anything??! I just picture black clouds/winds or somethin.
-He does occassionally drool nasty black goo or lava!
-He cannot exactly fly with his wings anymore but he can still glide. They are also slightly transparent.

There's some extra space on this ref Incase I add anything but I think it's pretty solid rn!

Ah it is so sad to let go of his old design tho,, I HAD SUCH GOOD ART OF IT... but... this is clearly superior...........
My fave tho are the pics w his mouth open it looks like he told a really bad joke and is waiting for ur response SDFSKJ
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Moltenchier's avatar
yoo i love this