Tawnyspots pagedollS1lverwind on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/s1lverwind/art/Tawnyspots-pagedoll-673816915S1lverwind

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Tawnyspots pagedoll



My IPad wanted me to draw Tawnyspots so here he is!

He was a past cat from when Bluestar was a warrior.


Tawnyspots is called on to patrol Sunningrocks with Bluefur, Thurshpelt, Sparrowpelt, and Windflight. Later, he joins Sunfall and his apprentice on dawn patrol after Sweetpaw dies. During the patrol, they uncover RiverClan invading. After waiting for reinforcements, the patrol attacks and successfully drives RiverClan away. When Sunfall and Featherwhisker controversally become the new leader and medicine cat after Pinestar leaves the Clan to become a kittypet, Tawnyspots is seen showing support for both the new leaders, but he also hushes Robinwing for riduculing Goosefeather. When Sunstar returns from the Moonstone, Tawnyspots is named deputy. Shortly afterward, his apprentice, Rosepaw, is named a warrior. He tells Rosetail how proud he is of her.Tawnyspots is organizing patrols before dawn. Later,He lectures Bluefur on how she's moping around camp, not doing anything, because of Snowfur's death. He then tells her that she's going to the Gathering that night, growling that it could do her some good. He then reprimanders her because she's avoiding her nephew, Whitekit, who just lost his mother. He snaps at her for not contribuiting to the Clan.Tawnyspots soon falls ill, and Adderfang stands in as temporary deputy. He later is healed by Featherwhisker's treatment. It is noted by Sunstar that he has had many bouts of sickness. When Goosefeather talks to Bluefur, he remarks that Tawnyspots will not die yet. Tawnyspots' sickness is recurring, and grows worse as time passes. Smallear and Dappletail say that they can't even get a wink of sleep with Tawnyspots padding back and forth to go to the dirtplace. He joins Sunstar on a patrol to the RiverClan camp to threaten them to leave Sunningrocks alone. The next day, he orders more hunting patrols and assures Tigerclaw that he'll be a part of the new border patrol around Sunningrocks. He orders Bluefur to remain in camp because of her injury, and after the border patrol returns successful, prompts a celebration.Eventually the sickness returns, and Goosefeather predicts that he won't recover this time. Both Bluefur and Thistleclaw have theirs set on the new deputy position. Until Tawnyspots' resignation, Adderfang returns to deputy duties, though Bluefur notes Tawnyspots practically gave up his role as deputy now. When leaf-bare hits, Featherwhisker refuses to bring him prey because he can't keep anything down. After Bluefur gives up her kits, Tawnyspots retires to the elders' den and ends up being succeeded by Bluefur, much to the anger of Thistleclaw.After, it is said that Tawnyspots died of his sickness, and it was a slow and painful death.

Art by~Me

Character by~Erin hunter
Image size
700x700px 139.41 KB
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