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So last Saturday, I was about 212 pounds standing around 5 ft inches inches or 5 ft 10 inches. I dunno, it's been a while since I last measured my height, and now I weigh just under 200 pounds. Oh but good lord am I hungry!

Oh yeah, and my semester's over, I can finally start drawing again, in fact I already had.

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3 min read
Twitter posts have recently sprung up in anger about the new VATMOSS legislation going effective starting first thing on January 1, 2015, the new year. Most of them saying how it will ruin small businesses around the world that do business with countries in the European Union, this includes American businesses as well. The new legislation will basically require you to identify where your customers are buying your "digital services," and it will require you to literally keep track of all the VAT rates in order to pay the tax when selling to somebody in the European Union. This means people on deviantArt are affected when they are commissioning art or doing commissions or making prints for others living in some country in the European Union because it's technically a digital service. This means you guys will be forced to file up paperwork every time somebody in the European Union commissions you. Also, if you're a music or game creator, that's where you'll really be in trouble.

In short, anybody selling digital art or media for profit will be forced to file loads of paperwork for each sale and pay some tax rate, depending on the European country your buyer is living in. You will also need to somehow prove that the buyer is living in that country.

This doesn't necessarily sound like a lot at first, but consider how many people are browsing the Internet everyday, let alone deviantArt. I've noticed a lot of profiles here coming from places like the UK, Portugal, Spain, Germany, Finland, Belgium, France, okay I've named enough European Countries. Each country having their own VAT rate which you must memorize before selling something to someone living in that country. This will force you to adjust your price rates, so that you are capable of paying off these taxes, which in turn could lose commissioners because of the overpriced charges. I know there are people here who live on commissions so I do suggest you look up this law and find ways to fight against it. And then, let's not forget all of that paperwork to fill out every time you make a sale to the EU, which might potentially be oh I don't know at least 50 forms a day? I know I'm underestimating that number.

I'm not saying I'm the most educated person about VATMOSS, but judging from what I've read in this article and saw on a few Youtube videos, it doesn't sound very friendly to you guys.

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When you make a regretful mistake you could've easily avoided, how do you feel? Also, how do you cope with it during the days after? What if it consisted of a series of mistakes?

EDIT: Rephrasing the question, what if it involved offending someone or physically hurting someone? Or both? What if it was intentional?

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Warcraft III: Frozen Throne - Werewolf Transylvania

Rules of the game: At night, one of 8 players transforms into the werewolf and must murder the other players. They must also return home before daybreak, otherwise their identity will be revealed and they are much weaker and they will likely die. Fortifications can be built in  order to resist the werewolf's nightly assault, and this means during daytime, the werewolf also puts up fortifications to look like they're defending themselves against the werewolf.

I've been known to mess around with my friend's heads. I like to put up the ruse that I'm never preparing for a werewolf attack, which is normally suspicious mind you. But today, when barricading myself with a friend, I changed my player name to look like another player, so that "Wayfarer" believed he was holing up with "Phantom." And then I changed my name to "Blargy" to make him believe he was holing up with "Blargy." I can't describe it, but this must be recorded for the memories. Soon, everyone started naming themselves "Wayfarer" just to mess with his head on which "Wayfarer" was the werewolf.

We're about to start yet another game. I think I'll put on the identity of "Falcone" now.

Update: Well shoot, everyone decided to name themselves "Phantom" so I couldn't do much else to mess with people's heads.

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Status Update

3 min read
October's done already? Also tomorrow's Halloween, oh goodie.

Anyways, I'm pretty much finished with my 9th semester week here. I still have a couple of assignments left before I can finally take a day long break until the 10th week of the semester week starts, although that break will probably be used to get reading assignments not yet assigned done just for the sake of getting them done. Still, once the big stuff gets out of the way, being a Research Paper on the ineffectiveness of Gun Control, a Japanese Oral Test, a Japanese writing test on my daily life, and a Japanese culture presentation, I think I can get a few drawings down again, good lord how many ideas do I have in my head? Hopefully I can start by December, though I highly doubt it.

I think next semester will be much easier though, only two days for four classes. So that'll definitely be a nice break from this pain of a semester I have so far. Dear me, I don't even want to go in anymore.

October's done already? And tomorrow's Nightmare Night, oh goodie.

Anyways, I'm pretty much finished with my 9th semester week here. I still have a couple of assignments left before I can finally take a day long break until the 10th week of the semester week starts, although that break will probably be used to get reading assignments not yet assigned done just for the sake of getting them done. Still, once the big stuff gets out of the way, being a test run of this barrier spell I've been working on, I think I can get a few drawings down again, good Celestia how many ideas do I have in my head? Hopefully I can start by December, though I highly doubt it.

I think next semester will be much easier though, only two days for four classes. So that'll definitely be a nice break from this pain of a semester I have so far. Dear me, I don't even want to go in anymore and I really miss Ponyville. Being stuck in the Manehattan University dorm isn't getting any less cramped here.

~Scruffle Gus

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Weight loss + Update by S-F-G, journal

VATMOSS by S-F-G, journal

Mistake discussion. by S-F-G, journal

Screws around with Canadian friends' heads. by S-F-G, journal

Status Update by S-F-G, journal