Ryuyujin's avatar


A Girl Who Thinks She Can Draw
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Just a ordinary woman that thinks she can draw. Want to know more? Talk to me. I don't bite... often.

Current Residence: Alaska

White Noise Graphics is an Alaskan business run by the freelance artist Jennifer M. Riddle. White Noise specializes in fun, unique products and original artwork.  White Noise also offers commissions and custom work in a variety of styles and mediums for the adventurous art connoisseur as well as clean, crisp business solutions for the innovative entrepreneur. Should you need portraits, photography, posters, logos, murals, stationary, or other graphic design and advertising services we are here for you.

Jennifer MaeLynn Riddle was born in Waterloo, Iowa. At the age of six her family moved to Alaska and she has been there ever since. She likes to tell bear stories from when she lived in the Alaskan Bush. Jennifer likes to introduce herself as the "Odd Duck" or "just some one that thinks they can draw" but very strongly believes that "there is a little piece of me in everything I do." This concept shines through in her art pieces and creative works which range from drawing, painting, graphic design, photography, various arts and crafts, and writing.

My Other Sites & Accounts

White Noise Graphics http://www.j-ink.net

Hentai Foundry (adult & erotic content) http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Ryuyujin

Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/blnarian/the-art-of-white-noise-graphic/

Blogger (Work Safe) http://whitenoisej-ink.blogspot.com

Twitter https://twitter.com/ArtOfWhiteNoise

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-riddle-a34b0668

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Ryuyujin

Tumblr (adult & erotic content) http://whitenoisegraphics.tumblr.com

Minds https://www.minds.com/ryuyujin/

SubscribeStar (Donate!) https://www.subscribestar.com/white-noise-graphics

Favourite Visual Artist
Brian Froud, Jasper Jones, Paul Klee, Kurt Schwitters, and various DeviantArt artists
Favourite Movies
Varies, currently 5th Element, Hellboy, How to Train Your Dragon, and Adams Family
Favourite TV Shows
Varies, currently Voltron
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Varies, currently Fintroll, Godsmack, Hiroyuki Sawano, and Hellberg
Favourite Writers
Varies, currently William Blake, Ray Bradbury, Edger Rice Boroughs, J.R.R. Tolkien
Favourite Games
Varies, currently Kings Quest, Wild 9, Plants vs Zombies and Beyond Good & Evil
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2 & Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
Traditional and Digital
Other Interests
Writing, Drawing, Pets, Plants, Martial Arts, RP, Friends, Family and Music
Hello world! Just a quick WIP plus reminder, there are still several commissioners I lost track of during the data migration when we replaced my computer. So, PLEASE, if you have not heard from me with an update about your commission in a while, email me at blnarian@icloud.com or message me or comment here! Thank you all for your patience and understanding.Full update coming soon!
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Lina the Pink

0 min read
Large chunk of my high school and collage years was highly colored by the anime TV series Slayers. My adopted sister was a huge fan, my overly picky baby brother was a fan, most of my friends were huge fans, and complete strangers would recognize when you were talking about the series and chime in. I had every VHS and later DVD of it I could get my hands on, which was limited due to lack of distribution in Alaska at the time and lack of funds on my part. So often I had to get my fix from online fan fiction and MUSHs, MUCKs, MUDs, and other MU*, online text based multi-user virtual world servers and bulletin boards. My sister often played Filia and the person whom would later become my hubby often played Xellos. I often played Zelgadis. And of course we all had our own OCs, original characters. So when I got the commission to draw a friend's World of Warcraft red headed high elf named Lina in Lina Inverse's costume, I was ecstatic! Lina © her commissioner and player World of Warcraft ©
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HAPPY NEW YEAR!Just a recap and newest Art vrs Artist https://www.deviantart.com/ryuyujin/art/1141012130
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I just came by to ask about the request.

Hello, are you still there?

Please see status update. Will respond when dust settles. Apologies.

Sorry about that, if you're done then I hope you let me know.

Can you make Spawn X Masane Amaha?

As in versus or combo or adult? Commissions are closed at the moment (though if you don't mind waiting until after October for the commission to start, you can still pay now and get in the queue) but feel free to drop me a private message to get a quote. Thank you for your interest!

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