Honor Trip Minicomic: Oedipus ComplexRyunoOhi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ryunoohi/art/Honor-Trip-Minicomic-Oedipus-Complex-354557535RyunoOhi

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Honor Trip Minicomic: Oedipus Complex




Click below for the whole series of comics!
Oedipus Complex
Gold Digger
Thick As Thieves
Way to A Woman's Heart
Cruel Dream

It's a little after midnight, but we can pretend I submitted this on time.

Next in our lineup for Valentine's Day Honor Trip crack pairings, we have our favorite bio-android & hero, Cell, & the lovely Arcosian Queen, Isa.

Fun fact #1: Isa is drawn not wearing any clothes. You probably just scrolled back up to confirm this.:iconstudmuffinplz:
Fun fact #2: Now you can join Frieza for therapy & brain bleach!:iconimpervyplz:

Frieza: :iconallcapsrageplz: RAAAWR, my mommy!
Cell: :iconlll-plz: Quit being so possessive, can't you see we're having a moment here?
Isa: :iconmhmblushplz: I still love you sweetie, but I love Cell more.
Frieza: :iconamgimcryingplz: ...My brain just broke.:iconsobplz: MOTHER HOW COULD YOU?!

Various brushes & textures used, all belong to their respective owners but I'm too tired to list them all now, trololol.
Image size
1706x3239px 1.19 MB
© 2013 - 2025 RyunoOhi
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Cell has the DNA of her son and wife, just to make things strange