WickedRyouGirl on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ryougirl/art/Wicked-102145777RyouGirl

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RyouGirl's avatar




I've been holding this back for about a month, lol. It wasn't easy. :XD: But it's actually a birthday gift for my good buddy ~ChrisLocksArt Now that he got his print, i don't have to keep it a secret anymore, lol. I became obsessed with listening to the Wicked soundtrack and then i found the entire Original Broadway Musical on YouTube and watched it. :XD: So now i know how it goes. Maybe i'll go see if for real someday. But it inspired me to draw Elphaba and Glinda and i know Chris loves Wicked too. :aww: So if you aren't familiar with Wicked, check it out cause it rocks! And Happy Halloween! :pumpkin:

Wicked © Winnie Holzman
Image size
1000x1450px 2.12 MB
© 2008 - 2025 RyouGirl
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GoldenGirl954's avatar
Awesome! I love the colors :D