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January 9, 2014
[Stock & Resources] An easy method with outstanding results, How to make a Dragon Egg by ~ryoshi-un will have you making dragon eggs like a pro!
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ryoshi-un's avatar

How to make a Dragon Egg



So, as promised, here's how to make your own Game of Thrones Dragon Egg with nothing but paper, glue and play-doh.

There you have it: an easy to make $20 dragon egg.
Hope you all like the mini-tutorial! =D
Please, leave your thoughts and suggestions.
No gentle heart by ryoshi-un Dragon Egg by ryoshi-un
:iconroyalphasefplz::iconroyalphaseaplz: :iconroyalphaseqplz:

  • How Heavy is it?
    It weighs exactly 360 grams.
    You can fill it with gesso if you want something heavier.
    TIP: if you fill it only 1/4 of the way through, it'll behave like a weeble

  • How fragile is it?
    The papier-machê itself is OUTSTANDINGLY strong, so it depends solely on the kind of play-doh you're using.
    If you want something really sturdy, you can use polymer clay or Fimo and bake it, leaving a small gap for the air inside to expand. The papier-mache will withstand the heat, don't worry.
    I suggest making them out of cold porcelain (biscuit clay) though, you can find it for sale online, but here's a good and easy DIY recipe.
    It behaves a lot like Fimo and doesn't need baking.
    Cold porcelain is VERY resistant, so if you're making them with/for your kids this is the best choice, hands down.

  • How do I make the scales?
    A batch of different sized leaf shaped cookie cutters will do an excellent job. That's what I used =)
    You can buy them online here.
    No, I'm not getting any money for this. If you know a better place you can leave a comment below!)

Other Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire crafts:
  • Longclaw
    Longclaw by ryoshi-un
  • Braavosi Coin (Faceless Men Token)
    Valar Morghulis by ryoshi-un
  • Daenerys' Scale Belt
    Daenerys' Khaleesi Belt by ryoshi-un
  • Daenerys' Slave collar
    Daenerys' Slave Collar by ryoshi-un
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900x3150px 2.54 MB
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AggroMiau's avatar
Amazing Tutorial - the idea to use PlayDoh for sculpting does open a full new horizone for my creativity center... La la la la  Thanks sooo much for sharing Heart