ryoshi-un on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ryoshi-un/art/Circlops-1-0-2a-189949804ryoshi-un

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ryoshi-un's avatar

Circlops 1.0.2a



Hello there!
I'm very glad to present you my first attempt at a full skin design for Rainmeter!
I started this because I needed a home screen for my entertainment center, and decided that, instead of frankensteining other skins, I'd use them as inspiration to create my own!

The concept of a circular skin must be given to ~Bazerka, who was the first one I know of to make a full circular skin!

Ideas for enhancements are always welcome! =D

:pointr: How to install :pointl:

You just have to have the latest Rainmeter version and double click the file you download from here (Circlops.rmskin) =]

To get your Weather Code, go to [link] and search for your location, then click on the RSS link on the top right of the page, just below the search bar.
If done right, you will then be redirected to an URL which should end like forecastrss?p=########&u=f, where "########" is your Weather code.

:pointr: What IS in this pack :pointl:

:bulletgreen: The default full-panneled layout;
:bulletgreen: Detachable layout pannels (if you wish to use them individually);
:bulletgreen: Re-vamped custom Steam Wheel (It's NOT a theme!);
:bulletgreen: Wallpaper (free stock texture);
:bulletgreen: iShut, application for easy Shutdow/Logoff;
:bulletgreen: imagine font.

:pointr: What IS NOT in this pack :pointl:

:bulletred: The central clock: it's the default Arcs skin;
:bulletred: Extra icons: what you see is what you get;
:bulletred: WiFi Plugin: you probably have it already.

:pointr: Additional Credits :pointl:

:bulletblack: Steam Wheel creator, ~UltraBE;
:bulletblack: iShut creators, beric and jed717ph;
:bulletblack: MoxaWeather creator, MoxaMax [link];
:bulletblack: Original Weather Icons designer, ~MerlinTheRed.

:pointr: Update log :pointl:

26/12 - v1.0.2a — The DAY on the topright pannel was glitchy because I forgot to change back the code after taking the screenshot. Sorry about that! Problem is now fixed. Thanks to ~venomarse for bringing that to my attention! =]

19/12 - v1.0.1a — Fixed a small issue on the Steam Wheel, wich was preventing the applications from being launched. Thanks to ~Mielox for pointing that out! =]
© 2010 - 2024 ryoshi-un
unknowndude7's avatar
I downloaded it and the bottom right isn't there
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