He-Man for Sonja and Janineryodita on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ryodita/art/He-Man-for-Sonja-and-Janine-502691566ryodita

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ryodita's avatar

He-Man for Sonja and Janine



Just a little gift for two of the nicest and sweetest persons I have ever known. Thank you very much for all of your advice and support :) I wish I had a little more time to work on these two, but I hope they will make you smile a bit. I tried to make them look like He-man and Skeletor from the Masters of the Universe Film, one of your favourite movies :D Skeletor´s head was a bit problematic. It is hard to copy the look of an 80s Movie-Mask, so he looks a bit more cartoony. I hope you two have some peaceful holidays and have a good start into 2015!
Image size
1000x707px 531.62 KB
© 2014 - 2025 ryodita
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nilescclover's avatar
wow! that's the cuties ones of these guys, love it so much......great job!