Digital Watercolor Houseryoarrendio on DeviantArt

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ryoarrendio's avatar

Digital Watercolor House



My second trial of Digital Watercolor Rendering
As a designer I'd rather choose NPR (Non Photo Realistic) Rendering than the realistic one
SU 8 + Podium + Adobe PS CS4

And this is my reference to learn this kind of technique ----> [link]
Image size
1374x732px 493.2 KB
© 2013 - 2025 ryoarrendio
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darquewanderer's avatar
My love of art came as a kid going through my father's architectural manuals. Have always preferred the NPR drawings to the realistic. Much more detail, in my mind, can be perceived in NPR than in realistic renderings.

In plain English, I like this.

One down note. The pool draws the eyes around the building to the left side and ends up at a blank wall. Something's missing.