I’ve been making images for as long as I’ve been able to get my little mitts around a Crayola. Some of my earliest memories involve being face down in a pad of paper and scribbling like a wild man in the living room. When I let my mind take me back I can still feel the shag carpet imprinting abstract designs on my skin and the waxy smell of the crayon as I pulled it across the paper.
It’s funny to think, looking back, that I’m still completely enamored with doing the very same things today. Sure, now I have a fancy desk and the tools aren’t nearly as crude. But the passion for creating stories and imagining worlds has always remained.
For the last five years I’ve been fortunate to have an outlet for that passion by working in the video game industry. The past year I have worked as a creature and character concept artist for an MMO developer in Las Vegas. Recently that studio unexpectedly closed its doors and now I’m looking for new places to continue living out that love for cultivating the imagination and creating amazing worlds.
If you’re interested in hiring me for my services (full time or contract) I’d appreciate you contacting me via email. I can provide a resume, references and additional samples upon request. I’m very much looking forward to sharing my passion and imagination with you!
Current Residence: Chicago, IL
Favourite photographer: My lovely wife, Sarah Jean
Operating System: Mac OSX
MP3 player of choice: iPhone/iPad
Shell of choice: Conch
Favourite cartoon character: Raphael of TMNT
Personal Quote: "Where is the food?"
Favourite Visual Artist
James Jean, Cory Godbey, Paul Richards, Wes Burt, Nik Klein, Ian McCaig, Brian Froud, Yukito Kishiro
Favourite Movies
The Dark Crystal, The Big Lebowski, The Dark Crystal, LOTR, Star Wars, Ghostbusters and many more
Favourite TV Shows
Game of Thrones, Lost, Fringe
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Pedro the Lion, Sleeping at Last, Arcade Fire, Derek Webb, Yann Tierson, Cinematic Orchestra
Favourite Books
Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Game of Thrones
Favourite Writers
Tolkien, CS Lewis
Favourite Games
The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
A quill and the blood of the innocents... pencils and paper work too.
Other Interests
Art, film, music, baseball and hockey