Time to celebrate!ryky on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ryky/art/Time-to-celebrate-579082736ryky

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ryky's avatar

Time to celebrate!


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Done in adobe photoshop and paint tool SAI , wacom bamboo tablet 
Inspired by :iconwlop: bcs hes amazing :) 
:bulletred: NEWEST WORK The Ceremony by rykyWinter  lights by rykyEveryone sleeps ...But I'm hungry! by rykyNight Time  by ryky

Thank you guys for every your comment, i read all of them and you really made me happy. Thanks :hug:  :iconryky:
Image size
1590x1014px 1.38 MB
© 2015 - 2025 ryky
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BogSpirit's avatar
I'm sorry , but I think you have much to improve , if you really want to go ahead , do it. But as long as you go better and do not get stuck only on what people liked . I see that you tend to use too many shortcuts to decorate the drawings and complete them. Shortcuts such as brightness, specks , the backgrounds that are actually photos which you add them a few strokes above . Also note that when you draw architectural elements you need much knowledge. The same about anatomy , shadows , etc. I hope you do better and this will encourage you to do so. A greeting.