Had a little ART burning party.

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RyanOttley's avatar
WARNING! Graphic desecration of art below!

Ok we all know artists are their own worst critic right? So don't be surprised hearing me hate on my own work in this journal. It's the best way to force improvement and it's been working for me so again, don't be shocked! heh.

My good friend Derek Hunter :iconderekhunter: and I had a burning party (two dudes is a party right?!) where we basically burned old art of ours that we hated. I posted the pics on Twitter as we were doing it and I got many questions and comments.
"WHY are you doing that?!? Do you LIKE burning money?!  You could have given those to a charity, Japan relief fund! You could have sent those to ME, I would pay postage! "

My reasoning is, why would I want MORE bad art out there in circulation?! I only give art to charities that I like and think will pull a good profit for them. Giving away bad art to a charity is just...rude. I look at Comicartfans.com, Google, Ebay, and see my old stuff, old pages and especially old convention sketches that look terrible. If I could burn those I would. I should never do a bad sketch, and I should never sell art that I think isn't that great. I use to sell old art I didn't think was all that great because I thought even if I didn't appreciate it maybe the fans would. And don't get me wrong, some DO appreciate me selling art for cheap or giving it away, but it's the ones that don't appreciate it that kinda ruin it for everybody. I remember one time I sold a cover I absolutely hated for 20 bucks, the next week it was up on Ebay and sold for 200. Should I have sold it for more? No, I should have drawn it better in the first place and sold it for more. But the damage was done when I drew it too quick and poorly.   Now, I don't mind if people sell my art if I sold it to them for a decent price, they bought the page they can do whatever they want with it.  But if I give give you shit for FREE you better RESPECT! heh.

Check the photos below. There are many reasons I hate these early Invincible pages. Mainly it's my lack of ability to draw a decent anatomically correct face. High brows, facial features look like they were just thrown on a blank face and where ever they landed I let them be. Not happy with them.

Moral of the story, if you have bad art, burn it. Don't sell it.

If you want to buy my art go to splashpageart.com HERE> splashpageart.com/ArtistGaller… , Mark Hay is my art dealer there. He'll treat you right, and I have a deal going where if you buy 300 dollars worth of art you get a FREE page from any page marked FREE.

My son Q also came out and helped burn my art.

No tears were shed in the burning of this art.


© 2011 - 2025 RyanOttley
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thestefan's avatar
i didnt get it at first, now i do.