AKIRA VS JURI  - StreetFighter Omega #1RyanKinnaird on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ryankinnaird/art/AKIRA-VS-JURI-StreetFighter-Omega-1-993420401RyanKinnaird

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AKIRA VS JURI - StreetFighter Omega #1



My piece for Street Fighter Omega (Out now) store.udonentertainment.com/co…

SF: Omega is a comic full of covers, each one representing a rivalry. Mine here is actually pg.16 of the book featuring Akira and Juri.

The solicitation copy:
Celebrating 20 years of UDON’s Street Fighter comics! Street Fighter Omega brings together two dozen artists to tell an epic Street Fighter story through a gallery of all-new cover illustrations. See seasoned world warriors, and fresh challengers alike cross fists...

I'm quite sure if you have a rivalry with Juri she will gleefully give you nightmares at some point.
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I love this idea.  Your cover tells me everything that will happen and I want it so bad.