VIDEOGAMESRy-Spirit on DeviantArt

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An updated version of my old artwork I drew ELEVEN YEARS AGO. Finally went back and added all the 'new' consoles that came out since then, including the PS4, PS5, PSVR, PSVR2, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and the Steamdeck.

Old version:
YO VIDEOGAMES! by Ry-Spirit 

Its weird going back to an old artwork and seeing all the messiness in my work back then, I was rough with my drawings, now I am a bit more neater and careful, much like how I am in real life, I have changed a lot! I was a lot more reckless back then, now I feel like I am a much more calculated and a more organised person in general. Im also more miserable than I was 10 years ago, Looking back, I feel like I was like Spongebob, and every year I become more and more Squidward. Thats the best way to describe it. So yeah I might not be as fun as before, but I am definitely much more happier with who I am now. Apologies to anyone who has met the previous reckless me, if you hated me, just know that I hated that version of me more, and all I can do now is let you know that I have become a much better version of me, and hopefully with even more better versions to come. 
Wow redrawing an old drawing really got me all philosophical huh? I dont think I have even written THIS much in a long time too. 

Well since we are on a me vs previous me topic, here are some drawings I did 11 years ago. Was I a better artist back then?! I feel like yeah! I had more rough shading and coloring, but it also makes the artwork more lively, Oh gosh I was a better artist back then and thats kind of sad to see... haha.. 
Fan Fiction! by Ry-Spirit  Spider-Fans by Ry-Spirit  Taking a Break by Ry-Spirit  Ultraman the Protector of Earth by Ry-Spirit  MUKA MUKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Ry-Spirit 

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AdasSrak's avatar

we got updated version of this artwork before gta 6