DragoniteRuth-Tay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ruth-tay/art/Dragonite-145700591Ruth-Tay

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Ruth-Tay's avatar




Dragonite have a kindhearted disposition. They have been said to save people from drowning and lead ships that have been trapped in storms to safety. Dragonite are said to have an intelligence matching humans. The speed of their flight is so immense they are able to circle the globe in sixteen hours.

I once had a light dragonite card. I wish I still had it.

This took me 3hours to draw. It´s made in Photoshop.

Dragonite Pokémon (c) Nintendo
Image size
1400x2000px 1.55 MB
© 2009 - 2025 Ruth-Tay
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neobro555's avatar

I do not like the big wings. it is the only thing keeping this peice from being a 10/10 instead of an 7.5 out of 10