Baby SaphiraRuth-Tay on DeviantArt

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Ruth-Tay's avatar

Baby Saphira



You don't hear much about Eragon these days. I wonder when the nextr book is comming. It really takes a long time.

I was bored and started daydreaming. I thought about Eragon again. I havent done or read anything about it and I thought lets make a new fanart. It had to be in a Fantasy cathogorie and it had to be cute. So I came up with super cute baby Saph!

I really enjoyed drawing her. I wanted to make it in disney style at first. Halfway I changed my mind so it's a mix of disney and realistic art.

It didn't took me long at al! About 3 hours on corel painter 10 and a half an hour edditing on photoshop!

Anyway get yourself overwhelmed by the cuteness!
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600x700px 360.83 KB
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DanielReh's avatar

โ€œSo much for our rat problem.โ€