Wasteland Bus W.I.P.RustyHauser on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rustyhauser/art/Wasteland-Bus-W-I-P-833252485RustyHauser

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Wasteland Bus W.I.P.



My newest project, built using things I found in camps and random spots around the Mad Max video game. The interior is just stuff I find in camps, scavenging locations and strongholds. The exterior is stuff I find on vehicles and trucks. The back of the roof is a scouting area, based upon the many sniper towers that Scabrous Scrotus has all over the five territories (Jeet, Gutgash, Pink Eye, Deep Friah and the Outer Graves where Max met Chumbucket). You can't see it yet but the bus has a damaged ticket machine which was reconditioned into a set up cupboards while still keeping the ticket machine's aesthetics. There is even a clipboard holder for the driver to note stuff down that is seen while driving the bus.

Inb4 the bus was never intended for towns or city streets. It is going to have a smaller scout vehicle that follows it and does scavenging runs for the bus driver.
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590x886px 430.77 KB
ยฉ 2020 - 2025 RustyHauser
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