AttackTheMap's avatar


92 Watchers316 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • July 3
  • Canada
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • She / Her
BlackBerry: Exclusive Neil Gaiman BlackBerry Badge
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
BlackBerry: Exclusive Calendar of Tales Badge
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (127)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Paranoid: Wears a tinfoil hat
My Bio

Please head over to my Tumblr to see my newest art!

Hey all, I won't be uploading anything on Deviantart anymore. You can find all my newer art stuff here: I like DA but my computer doesn't, so Tumblr is my new hangout. I still check this account regularly so you can send me notes and post comments and stuff, but no new art will be put up.If you're interested in some other stuff that I do, you can also check my synesthesia-based Tumblr: (It's not updated much, but it's there! )I also write and self-published my first book this year! I don't have a blog for my writing at this point, but you can add me on the NaNoWriMo site: ...
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New Username!

0 min read
Thanks to the lovely :devsoapboxshouts: for giving me premium, I'm now AttackTheMap instead of RuneNeko! I've wanted to change my username ever since I outgrew my "omg I need Japanese in my name" phase years ago and started using Attack The Map, which is used only by me. Now I'm AttackTheMap on Tumblr, Twitter, Aywas, Flight Rising, Creature World, and here!
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I'm really bad at keeping things updated and it's been catching up to me lately. So here's a shiny new price chart! Note: If this journal is more than 6 months old, it's likely that prices will have changed. I will draw almost anything, except: - Graphic nudity / sex - Graphic gore (blood is fine, hanging guts and shredded people is not. Zombies need to be discussed with me) *More will be added if necessaryThings you should know: - I will not send progress pictures unless you ask for them! - You pay half upfront and the other half when I'm ready to start shading (I will show you a resized preview) - USD payments are through Paypal and you...
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Profile Comments 142

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Hey hey, it's Sked's from way back when on Roli. How's it going? :)
Heeey! It's been forever, hasn't it? I've been pretty good, all things considered. Haven't been on Roliana since 2.0 disappointed me greatly. What's life looking like from your end?
Hahaha haven't been on Roli in ages. I try and go back from time to time to chat to old friends still there, but after two messages exchanged I always forget to go back u_u

I keep thinking I should go and give away my inventory to people who'll actually use it, but am too lazy xD
Or not even give it away, but spend it all on art, but too lazy to go and commission because I know I'll have to keep going back and checking up on the artists hahaha xD

On my end, life's been ok! Starting my third year of uni, and kind of overwhelmed by the work.
I haven't written in a long time, but I went back on Gaia recently and was hit by a new surge of inspiration :p
Your art is looking so beautiful! You've sure progressed a lot since i last saw your stuff :D
I think everyone I knew on Roli is long gone. I think I saw Goat on Aywas, but I was too awkward to ask xP

I considered selling my items for art since I have some pretty rare ones, but I honestly don't (or didn't) see much of quality the last time I was there. And not to be full of it, but I can do a lot of it myself now that I can actually draw people! XD

Whaaat? I thought you were in uni all those years ago! Weren't you the one who told me to take philosophy courses? Or did your high school offer them? Bah, either way, I'm in my third year too! Unfortunately, I have a bone to pick with one of my profs, but it's all been great up until now. French major, how about you?

Thanks for the compliment! I've found a ton of support from some new fandoms I frequent and they really helped keep me going. I haven't been on Gaia in ages though, what's new?
Thanks so much for da WATCH HUN ! :D
You're very welcome~
I love the colors you use in your art, the black and neon contrast. Keep up the good work!
Aw, I just love make contrast in my drawings, because boring colors are .... FREAKIN BORING  ! xD
Anyway, I will try thanks ! :)