Tied Up - BBRae fancomic pg3rufiangel on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rufiangel/art/Tied-Up-BBRae-fancomic-pg3-43303431rufiangel

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Tied Up - BBRae fancomic pg3



Wh00t, I spent my weekend not working and instead drawing up this fancomic. :P It's only three pages long.

Teen Titans stuff, the content itself is pretty simple; in season 3, episode 'X', Beast Boy and Raven get stuck together with a blast of the red sticky stuff. They need to get separated before they go off to Dr. Chang's laboratory, obviously, but the show left out how that happened.

This is my own filling-in of the gap~

This is the last page! Anyway, I want to point out that Beast Boy's last line there is not supposed mean anything past 'If I hadn't been stuck with you, then I might have been stuck with Cyborg or something, and I'd have suffocated!' and Raven knows it too. :P

I guess I'll do more fancomics for this pair if more inspiration strikes. :D
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graceisdeathsan's avatar
Dang, the other titans really have a habit of getting in the way... :3