Serpamia Flare Strip 018 - Redrawnrufiangel on DeviantArt

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Serpamia Flare Strip 018 - Redrawn



I made some dialogue tweaks primarily to reduce redundancy but I also added something potentially redundant to the first panel. XD;; So I guess I am balancing everything out?! Batmole also looks quite different, it's more... wide. XD;

I also changed the angles up for the last few panels and I have some mixed feelings. I liked the way the old version showed Kylie's expression in the background with Cain's gemstone in the front but I also felt like changing things up a bit. It's different, but is it better? I'm not sure. XD; Oh well, the focus is more on Cain I feel like, and that's alright I guess?

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:bulletpurple:The story...:bulletpurple:

:bulletpurple: Seeking meaning in a series of strange dreams involving her mother who died years ago, Kylie journeys to Raswen to find Madame Zinala, a fortune teller who has been known to interpret dreams w

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