Bellwether Bugs MeganRuffu on DeviantArt

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Bellwether Bugs Megan



So here's a little artwork of what I think Megan's going to be about. This drawing is actually wrong in showcasing her character as I want her to be super organized but whatever; that'll be fixed in another drawing.

A little bit more about her is that just like Nick, she's a sly fox, but unlike Nick, she's inherently sly and very clever, whereas Nick decided to be a sly fox after his traumatizing childhood event. Megan on the other hand, was born to be a clever, conniving, smooth, sly fox-- which makes her leagues better in conning and deceiving others than Nick.  

In a sense, I was thinking that Megan and Nick meet each other within the ZPD. She works there as a case filer and organizes incoming and outgoing cases. This image does not show that :P This one is a little bit of a history before she got into the ZPD. She used to work for Bellwether as her personal secretary before our adorable little sheep became mayor of Zootopia. 
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RawFlowers's avatar
Dawn being bossy as usual~