Shadow Empire P.018rufftoon on DeviantArt

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Shadow Empire P.018



Zhao already has a low opinion of Zuko, even more so after talking with Ozai. If the son is like the father, he'll find a way to vent his frustration

(trivia: I re-watched ATLA, season 1, episode 3 to see Zuko and Zhao's first encounter. A few head nods here and there to the staging used in the sequences)

Previous Page: Shadow Empire P.017

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Shadow Empire P.019

This is an AU (Alternate Universe), set close to the original timeline of season 1.

The world of Avatar the Last Airbender was created by Bryan Konietzko and Mike DiMartino. Based on the Nickelodeon serie.

First page: Shadow Empire P.001

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Saiyuki-chan's avatar

Somebody got under his skin.