MMD: Dominus Illuminatio Mearubexbox on DeviantArt

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MMD: Dominus Illuminatio Mea



I had to switch computers after my old one died, which meant that I had to re-download MikuMikuDance. Fortunately for me, I had the presence of mind to back up my models in a zip archive on my personal cloud storage, so I only lost a few months's worth of stuff (most of which I re-acquired). As a last step, I went onto Bowlroll and NicoNicoDouga to re-download some of the Japanese MMD models I lost with the old laptop...and I found this model.

Y'know, if I wasn't so lazy/busy with school, I'd go ahead and start my own blog similar to :iconxoriu:'s, just to showcase beauties like this one. Not to take away from foreign MMD creators, but the Japanese make some really awesome stuff...which makes sense, since MikuMikuDance is from THEIR country.

Marionette by EZ-049. Download link:
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1000x760px 590.22 KB
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