Anguarubendevela on DeviantArt

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April 11, 2008
Angua by *rubendevela is amazing. The colors are fantastic, the detail is incredible, and you have to look at this piece a few times over to catch everything that this artwork offers (and even then you probably won't get it all!) -- go fullview this exciting piece right now!
Featured by aunjuli
rubendevela's avatar



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Werewolf in the Big Wahoonie!

Angua leaps down from the rooftops, surprising a couple of perpetrators while another copper looks on in amusement.


Characters portrayed in some form or another: Angua, Sally, Vetinari, Carcer, Dibbler, Gaspode

I studied a bunch of other artists to pull this off. I tried to blend different techniques in one image.

Skintones: Stanley Lau
Armor: Masamune Shirow
Pose and scene setup: Wilson Tortosa :iconbatangbatugan:
Background: Toei animation (close elements), Studio Ghibli (far elements) and ImperialBoy

People I bothered for help: :iconkitsuneko: :iconakutenshi-13: :icongirlwithparasol:

Commission for Jacob Siehler
Characters and setting belong to Terry Pratchett
Even if this is a very technical work, it comes straight from my heart.
Image size
800x1024px 317.69 KB
© 2008 - 2025 rubendevela
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Modstin's avatar

This continues to make the rounds on wikis and everything uncredited so just wanna say this is one of the best anguas out there!!

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