Ruaniamh on DeviantArt

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Ruaniamh's avatar




Really original title I know... Did this really quickly the other night while relaxing and scribbling away in Corel Painter. Some of the details are way off, but meh, more or less a speed paint lol.

That game man.... that game.. If you don't know what Journey is, it is the new game from Thatgamecompany and possibly one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. While it's only about 90 minutes-2 hours long, it is incredibly emotional. I was moved to tears by the end ;^;

[link] Trailer here if anyone is interested.

[edit] I'm now noticing that there are quite a few pictures similar to this x_x Great minds think alike? D:

Journey (c) Thatgamecompany
Image size
799x440px 249.68 KB
© 2012 - 2024 Ruaniamh
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in all my life i've never seen a game that would be so beautiful