rtry on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rtry/art/The-Sweet-Apple-Acres-Masskrug-355596458rtry

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The Sweet Apple Acres Masskrug



The Maßkrug ['maskruk] is a common one litre volume glass drinking vessel with a handle which you can find at Bavarian beergardens.
I decided to engrave the most common members' Cutie Marks of the Apple family and the barn into this huge glas (1l / 34oz up to the line, weight of 1,3kg / 2,8 pound)
It was a lot of work, I dunno how long I needed for it. But I think it must be around 20 hours
And yep I did a mistake in the names, perhaps you'll find it ;)

There are some more pictures at [link]

It is up to auction, you can bid on it here
Image size
3000x1400px 1.41 MB
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i want to drink with that