Ren and Stimpy: Adult Party Cartoon review by Channeleven, literature
Ren and Stimpy: Adult Party Cartoon review
Is it too late to cover Adult Party Cartoon? Yeah, if you're gonna say what everyone else has said about it countless times before. Does this mean I'm gonna do a positive review? Well depends on your point of view on that. Plot thickens true believers. Also if the Ren and Stimpy reboot holds water, this is meant to coincide with the property becoming relevant again.
Ren and Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon is a pseudo continuation of the 90s staple The Ren and Stimpy Show, but this one is special, as it promised to not hold back on the humor the show was proud to have slipped by the censors. But that was not to be. It's the worst show ever, it killed the integrity of the characters who brought the original show to life, it led to John Kricfalusi to leaving the television industry cold turket, and it created a black hole that swallowed all of humanity to the point no other life could continue on.
Actually at least one of those was bullshit.
The show was a failure, that's undeniable. John