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Network Files - Grundel



The Grundel is a supernatural "bogeyman-type" entity from the Real Ghostbusters and Extreme Ghostbusters that preys on children. I loved the concept of the character, but never liked his design. A while ago, my daughter drew a picture of a creature in a scary dream she had and asked me if I could bring it to life in Earth-27 at some point. Since I felt the Grundel needed a new design and my daughter had a scary dream of being stalked by this thing, I thought it made a fine adaptation of the Grundel creature. The design is mostly her own, though I did give it the nasty tongue of another boogeyman creature from my book Zodiac Pack. The rest of the creature's concept is derived from a hodge-podge of boogeyman stories, folklore, Ghostbuster lore, my daughter's nightmare, and my own depraved imagination.
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2700x1920px 1.4 MB
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StrandedGeek's avatar

I feel bad for your daughter. Nightmares are no fun, but I'm glad she was able to do something positive with it. That's actually how HR Giger dealt with is Night Terrors. And how rather fitting I think for the Grundel so we know this is legit scary.