Commission List! [OPEN]

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RoyalSwirls's avatar

 Pastel Pink Star Bullet   THINGS TO KNOW WHEN COMMISSIONING ME   Pastel Pink Star Bullet 
Want something not my list? Tell me what you want and we can discuss price!
Just want to tell me what you need and I give you price options? Go for it!
 I can take PayPal, Cashapp, and points only. I prefer cash, but will take points.
If you need changes to finished commissions please don't be afraid to contact me.
Tips welcome, but not expected.
Some prices may increase for especially detailed characters.

:check: Will draw - anthros, humans, humanoids, nekos, ponies, ferals, cs, offbrands, gore
:bademoticon: Will not draw - scenes of severe abuse physical or emotional, full skeletons 

blue heart bullet
Signature Style 
 $10.00 Bust
 $15.00 Halfbody
$20.00 Thigh-up
 $30.00  Fullbody
A Sadge Boi by RoyalSwirls
DraconicDreams Banner by RoyalSwirls
Your Local Dragon Catgirl by RoyalSwirls

blue heart bullet 

Digital Painting

Morning Laundry by RoyalSwirlsTask Failed Successfully by RoyalSwirls

blue heart bullet 

Double-sided Reference Sheet

can include whatever written information and props you need, includes two fullbodies 
Goblin Girl Custom by RoyalSwirlsWarren - Reference Sheet by RoyalSwirls
Prince Carmen Reference by RoyalSwirls

blue heart bullet 

Rough Color Lineart 

 $5.00 - $25.00
depending on if bust, halfbody, or fullbody
Noah Renewed by RoyalSwirlsNuzzles by RoyalSwirlsHalloween Tease by RoyalSwirls

:bademoticon: :bademoticon:    
|FTU| .:Blue Pixel Heart:. Small props are free unless it's complex (like a TV, sword, ect.) around $0.50-$1.00 per prop 
|FTU| .:Blue Pixel Heart:. +$1.00-$2.00  for detailed backgrounds
|FTU| .:Blue Pixel Heart:.+$1.00  for detailed shading on anything

|FTU| .:Blue Pixel Heart:. 2 characters in the same piece is price for one x2
|FTU| .:Blue Pixel Heart:. same applies for more characters, 3 is price for one x3, 4 is  x4.... ect. 

F2U | Tablet Pagedoll by ProfileDecor

  For all the commissions listed above, fill this info out! : 

Commission type- 
OC ref(s)-  
Pose and emotion-
No BG or white/colored BG?-
Any extras? (see extras section please)- 
Payment Method-
Other important details-

Or! Tell me what you want and I can give you a price estimate!

blue heart bullet


Aesthetic, theme, and ship...
blue heart bullet 
 $30.00 - $60.00
depending on complexity, size, if you want a base, ect. of the custom
OC Design - Chompy Boi by RoyalSwirls $10 Pony Adopt [CLOSED] by RoyalSwirls

:bademoticon: :bademoticon: 
F2U | Tablet Pagedoll by ProfileDecor

Bullet; PinkIf you want a MLP custom fill this out:

 Theme or ship custom?-
 What's the ship? What's the theme?-
On or off base?-
Species (must be one from one of the 2-3 parents)-
Payment method-

Bullet; PinkIf you want a custom of any other species fill this out:

Original art or custom on a base?-
Aesthetic pics, theme, or design you want redone-
Payment method-
Other details?-

© 2017 - 2024 RoyalSwirls
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LunaKirbee's avatar

What can I get for 320 points?