Tavi BearRoyalRainbow51 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/royalrainbow51/art/Tavi-Bear-590634722RoyalRainbow51

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Tavi Bear



This is the first of the two illustrations that I am contributing for this year's Valentine's Day featuring two of my favorite background ponies, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia.  The theme is based off the pet nicknames they would give to each other and how one would dressed for the other.  I couldn't decide which one to go for, so I decided do both.

Here, Octavia is dressed as Vinyl's very own fuzzy-wuzzy, cuddly teddy bear.  I almost considered on showcasing a more grumpy face on Octy's part, but that might ruin the mood of the season.  Perhaps another time if this picture receives a lot of response.

Image size
1683x1089px 1.16 MB
© 2016 - 2025 RoyalRainbow51
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RobMaul02's avatar

This works better for their dynamic: Vinyl being the super sweet and affectionate mare, and Octavia being....protective of her but also willing to make her beloved happy.

Better than most depictions of the two tbh in the fandom.